Modern Warfare 2 pre-orders hit 2.4 million in America

Date: Thursday, November 05 @ 11:13:47 UTC
Topic: Gaming

With the release of COD MW2 drawing near there is one fact that cant be over looked and that is this game will be huge, if your thinking to yourself "how huge" you might want to check out this little fun fact.

Brett Walton of reports: "Modern Warfare 2 preorders close in on 2.4 million across Xbox360 and PS3 with another week to go, final preorders should hit 2.6 million with a week one of 3.5-4 million in the Americas, and another 2-2.5m in Europe and other regions. With such a high average retail price, week one revenue predictions of over $500m and the title becoming the biggest entertainment launch of all-time seem likely to become true"

360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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